Manuscript Formatting


We can help you format your manuscript to meet the exact specifications of your target journal, giving you more time to devote to your research.


Our formatting experts will modify your page layout, text formatting, headings, title page, image placement, and citations/references to meet the guidelines of your target journal. We will also check the accuracy of your references and will indicate if you need to revise the paper so your title, running head, abstract, main text, and figure legends comply with the journal’s word count restrictions. You can ask an unlimited number of questions about the formatting of your paper.



$75 for full manuscript formatting, including page layout, text formatting, headings, title page, figure placement, and references to ensure agreement with the guidelines of your target journal.


We guarantee that your paper will be formatted according to your target journal’s guidelines, and we will provide comments describing any missing elements that are required for submission. If the editor of your target journal mentions any problems with the formatting of your paper, we will reformat your paper for free.


Please contact us if there are any problems with your formatted manuscript. If a journal mentions formatting as a problem, please include the file that you sent to the journal and all the comments from the journal.


Our formatters do not perform language editing (correction of grammar, phrasing, and word choice errors). Instead, they ensure that your manuscript is in agreement with journal guidelines. This includes layout; font; spacing between sections and lines of text; citations and references; formatting of headings and a check to ensure that all required sections are present; title page check; checking of word count, image number, and reference number limits and noting overages; and ensuring appropriate placement of tables and figures.

We do recommend that you have your paper formatted again when you submit your manuscript to a new journal, especially if they have different submission guidelines. If you previously ordered an Editing service with Formatting, you can create a new Manuscript Formatting order by using the re-edit link from the original order.

You can add our Table Formatting service to any order if you would like us to prepare or format your tables. If you order language editing without formatting, we will edit any non-numeric text in your tables but will not review your journal’s guidelines or suggest any formatting changes.

Let's Get Started

We are ready to format your research paper, review paper, and grant application, so place your order today!

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